About Us
About Us

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) is a body of the Executive Branch responsible for developing the country’s transport systems, as well as its communications and telecommunications infrastructure. Its role is crucial for socio-economic development as it enables national, regional and international integration, while facilitating trade, reducing poverty and increasing the citizens' well-being.

Hence, the MTC is an entity in charge of both leading and promoting actions aimed at providing efficient road, railway, air and sea transport systems, as well as of concession programs within its field of competence. Control bodies and sectoral institutions also supervise proper operation of communication routes, telecommunications and transport, including cars, trucks, trains, ships, airplanes and telephone and internet communications.

With regard to land transport, the MTC is an executor and/or promoter of initiatives aimed at building new roads, as well as at kicking off large public transport systems.

Regarding air transport, the MTC has a more practical role, as it checks compliance with commercial airline regulations and proper operation of airports, with a double effort intended both to promote the tourism industry and to guarantee passenger safety.

In sea transport, through competent bodies the MTC fosters port improvement in order to provide proper passenger and cargo transport services.

Regarding communications, through competent bodies the MTC is in charge of assessing and processing requests related to the operation of open-signal radio and television stations and private telecommunications services, besides planning the radio spectrum they use. Moreover, it is responsible for controlling and supervising the provision of communications services and activities, with the authority to sanction within its competence and monitor proper use of the radio spectrum.