
Mass Electrical Transport System for Lima and Callao, Line 1

Regarding the Project

Basic Network of Lima’s Metro - Mass Electrical Transport System for Lima and Callao was approved by Supreme Decree No. 059-2010-MTC, comprising 5 lines whose preliminary routes are:

  • Line 1: Avenida Separadora Industrial, Avenida Pachacutec, Avenida Tomás Marsano, Avenida Aviación, Avenida Grau, Jirón Locumba, Avenida 9 de Octubre, Avenida Próceres de la Independencia, Avenida Fernando Wiese
  • Line 2: Avenida Guardia Chalaca, Avenida Venezuela, Avenida Arica, Avenida Guzman Blanco, Avenida 28 de Julio, Avenida Nicolás Ayllón, Avenida Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre (Central Highway)
  • Line 3: Avenida Alfredo Benavides, Avenida Larco, Avenida Arequipa, Avenida Garcilazo de la Vega, Avenida Tacna, Avenida Pizarro, Avenida Túpac Amaru, Avenida Rosa de América, Avenida Universitaria
  • Line 4: Avenida Elmer Faucett, Avenida La Marina, Avenida Sánchez Carrión, Avenida Salaverry, Avenida Canevaro, Avenida José Pardo de Zela, Avenida Canadá, Avenida Circunvalación, Avenida Javier Prado
  • Line 5: Avenida Huaylas, Avenida Paseo de la República, Avenida República de Panamá, Avenida Miguel Grau

Regarding Line 1:

Line 1 is planned to link the district of Villa El Salvador, in the south of Lima, with the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, in the capital’s northwest, also covering the districts of San Juan de Miraflores, Surco, Surquillo, San Borja, San Luis, La Victoria and Cercado de Lima.

The complete infrastructure of Line 1 will include 26 passenger stations and a mainly raised two-track viaduct with an approximate length of 34 kilometers.

The work will benefit more than 3 million inhabitants, which represents 41% of the total population of the Metropolitan Area of Lima and Callao.

  • The first stretch of Line 1 (Villa El Salvador – Cercado de Lima), which is 22.1 kilometers long and includes 16 stations (5 above ground and 11 underground) was carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Communications as public work, comprising the civil work construction and the implementation of its corresponding electromechanical equipment.
  • The second stretch of Line 1 (Cercado de Lima – San Juan de Lurigancho) will be approximately 11.9 kilometers long and will comprise 10 stations; its construction is due to start soon.

Regarding the Concession Contract of Line 1:

Mainly for operation, maintenance and provision of rolling stock for Line 1, an operator was selected through the modality of Comprehensive Project Tender, whose terms are set out in a concession contract.

One of the main contractual terms is that the concessionaire is to be responsible for designing and constructing the civil works, providing the required investments and operating the Special Project of the Mass Electrical Transport System for Lima and Callao, on Stretch 1 of Line 1, Villa el Salvador – 2 de Mayo Hospital (Av. Grau), and on Stretch 2 (upon finishing the works) throughout the concession period, after which all assets will be handed over and/or returned to the Ministry of Transport and Communications .

The concession term is 30 years, with an estimated investment of PEN652 million and it is co-financed.

The concession was granted on February 22, 2011 and the contract was signed on April 11, 2011 with the concessionaire GYM Ferrovías S.A.

Stations of Line 1

There are 26 stations along the approximately 34 kilometers of Line 1 of the operating Basic Network of the Lima and Callao Metro, corresponding to stretches II and I.


description link
Electric Train Contract
Annex 1 to 5
Annex 6 to 11
Addendum No. 1 Electric Train Contract
Addendum No. 2 Electric Train Contract