
Lima Metro

The strategic objective is to consolidate Lima’s Metro Network; the current administration’s main project is Line 2, which will connect Ate and Callao, as well as the line connecting Av. Faucett with Av. Gambetta, of Line 4.

The government’s priority is to pursue the consolidation of Lima’s Metro Network through construction, operation and maintenance of Line 2 and of the Av. Faucett – Av. Gambetta stretch of Line 4, as well as the concession of the construction of Line 3. According to performed studies, this latter route will concentrate most public transport demand in the next years. Furthermore, the baseline studies for Line 4 of Lima’s Metro will be formulated before July 2016.

Line 1: Villa El Salvador – Av. Grau – San Juan de Lurigancho

Line 1 of Lima’s Metro covers 26 stations and runs through nine districts: Villa El Salvador, Villa María del Triunfo, San Juan de Miraflores, Santiago de Surco, San Borja, La Victoria, Cercado de Lima, El Agustino and San Juan de Lurigancho. It is 33.1 kilometers long and started its operations in January 2012. As of March 2015, it had transported approximately 164 million passengers. Currently, 24 trains are in operation to meet all of Line 1’s service demand. However, given the increasing demand for this modern transport service, the sector has been performing technical and financial studies to expand the train fleet and the number of stations, which will increase service frequencies and reduce waiting times.

Line 1 has allowed reducing the journey time between Villa El Salvador and San Juan de Lurigancho from 2 hours to 54 minutes. It is also worth pointing out that a special formwork was used for construction of the bridges on which this transport system moves a method that allows progressive, section-based construction. Thus, it was possible to build the Rimac (see picture) and Huascar bridges. The former bridge is 240 m long and is located over the homonymous river, while the latter spans over the beltway and is 274 m long. This methodology prevented having to shut down the traffic in this important city thoroughfare and allowed work during river flooding.

Finally, since it is operated with electricity, Line 1 does not generate any GEI emissions (greenhouse gas emissions), which will allow reducing annual carbon dioxide emissions by over 32,000 tons.

Line 2: Ate – Callao and Av. Faucett – Av. Gambetta stretch of Line 4

This concession, which was granted in April 2014, is one of the sector’s a flagship projects. It will comprise 35 stations and benefit commuters of the ten districts it runs through: Santa Anita, Ate, San Luis, El Agustino, La Victoria, Cercado de Lima, Breña, Carmen de la Legua, Bellavista and Callao. It will allow covering 35 kilometers in only 45 minutes, a distance that currently requires a trip of about two hours.

As of 2020, it is estimated that this route will transport more than 200 million passengers per year. Moreover, towards the end of the concession in 2047, demand will increase to up to 350 million trips per year.

This project will be developed in three stages: 1A, 1B, and 2. It is estimated that Stage 1A (Stretch 5), which will run through the district of Santa Anita, reach up to Lima’s beltway (Via de Evitamiento) and comprise five stations, will be operational by the middle of next year. The other stretches will be operational in 2020.

Construction works started on December 29, 2014 and will require an investment of US$5.168 billion (this includes rolling stock, civil works and VAT). Let us see the details of each axis covered in this route.

Line 2: Ate - Callao

The route will include 27 stations. Furthermore, its route will be connected to the Metropolitano at Estación Central, to Line 1 of the Metro at 28 de Julio Station, and to the future lines 3 and 4 of Lima and Callao’s Metro.

Avenida Faucett – Avenida Gambetta Branchz

It will include 8 stations along its route, along the axis of Avenida Faucett from Avenida Oscar R. Benavides to Avenida Gambetta. It will be connected to Line 2 at Carmen de la Legua Station and with the airport. This branch is a stretch of the future Line 4 of Lima and Callao’s Metro.